Well, I can’t believe we just celebrated our first six months as studio. We went from a few guys shooting the breeze about the game we wish we could make, to the small team we have now. With all the pizza, soda, and DOTA celebrations done, I thought it’d be nice to reflect back on the progress we’ve made as a studio.
Since our Week 1 prototype, we’ve incorporated most of our combat mechanics, destructible cover mechanics, and new environmental and character models (see above). We’ve also made great strides in setting up our the strategic map layer (pictured below) and our game database framework that will serve as the basis for our story event mechanics and procedural content generation moving forward.
Anywhoo… We still have a long road ahead of us, with many more milestones and hurdles to face – Kickstarter, Greenlight, and additional funding to name a few – but I’d like to think that we’ve got the perfect team for the job. Working on Forged of Blood has been a rush so far, and boy, do we have some cool things to show off for the future; but on this quiet lazy afternoon, we all deserve a small pat on the back.

The Forge team, sans a few of our shyer members.
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